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What is the purpose of this site? is another way for unit owners to gain value from their investment. It is to be used by unit owners for unit owners. As a unit owner, we all know that there is no such thing as 100% occupancy and nor should there be. This site is for owners to share each other's units in the slower times of the year. This giving the unit owner savings on trips that they may make during the year. is a membership site that allows unit owners to contact each other directly.

Does this replace management rights?

No certainly not. As the owner of a unit, you may have signed a letting agreement with the on-site manager if this is the case you may not be able to allow others to use your unit. If you have signed a letting agreement with the onsite manager it is recommended that you read through your agreement or discuss this with your on-site manager.

I self manage my investment unit, can I become a Stratamember?

Absolutely. If you self manage on sites like Airbnb ect. you are more than welcome to become a Stratamember.

Why would an on-site manager allow me to use this site if I have a letting agreement with them?

Some managers may not! It would be totally up to the manager and your letting agreement but if a manager was to allow the unit owner in the low season of the year and only a small number of nights per year example being 10 nights per year, by doing this it helps the owner to choose to keep their unit in the short term letting pool rather than putting a permanent resident in their unit or self-manager on sites like Airbnb. So used in cooperation with management both parties benefit.

So does this mean I can stay for a month and only pay the cleaning fee?

No. This site works best for all involved if you work on a smaller time frame. After all, the main purpose is to rent your investment unit out. Its best for travel when the attended accommodation is in their offseason. Even if you only travel 10 days a year this will give you a great time away and gives you a saving of over $1500* per year based on the example below.

Unit owner stays in Sydney Stratamember for 2 nights rrp $250 per night @ 2 nights = $500 - $50 cleaning total saving $450

Unit owner stays in Bali Stratamember for 2 nights rrp $150 per night @ 2 nights = $300 - $30 cleaning total saving $270

Unit owner stays in Brisbane Stratamember for 2 nights rrp $165 per night @ 2 nights = $330 - $50 cleaning total saving $280

Unit owner stays in Melbourne Stratamember for 2 nights rrp $250 per night @ 2nights =$500-$50 cleaning total saving $450

Unit owner stays in Gold Coast Stratamember for 2 nights rrp $150 per night @ 2 nights =$300-$50 cleaning total saving $250

Sydney saving      =$ 450                                      Sydney cost       =$ 50

Bali saving             =$ 270                                      Bali       cost       =$ 30

Brisbane saving     =$ 280                                     Brisbane cost     =$ 50

Melbourne saving =$ 450                                     Melbourne cost =$ 50

Gold Coast saving =$ 250                                     Gold Coast cost =$ 50

Total savings         =$1700                               Total cost           =$230

* This is just an estimate only to show you how you can save. Cleaning fees may be more but you may stay 3 nights making more savings.

Can I stay another night If I am enjoying myself to much?

Of course, you can just send a message to the Stratamember to ask for another nights accommodation. If the room has been booked however you would be charged just as you would normally and you would pay for the extra night. But if you do stay another night and pay, you are entitled to get your cleaning fee back if the room was not serviced. If the room is not booked the extra night, there will be no extra cost. If the Stratamember is fully booked you will have to find other accommodation.


What if I live in my unit permanently, can I still use this site?

Yes of course. But make sure you have your unit available to other Stratamembers while you are away. And their may be some extra duties for you example where the visitor will access the key, cleaning etc.

Am I restricted to where I can stay?

No. You can stay anywhere, just as long as the other unit owner is a Stratamember . We would love for you to share and tell as many owners, especially new places you would like to stay

I’m worried about scammers, how can I be scammed?

Stratamember is dedicated to stop any fraudulent parties on this site but we need your help. It is recommended make prior contact to any Stratamemebr before paying any money. If you think someone is acting in an ill manner on the site report them and we will have them removed immediately.

I still don’t understand how it works?

Ok imagine you own an investment unit in a resort complex. Your unit is rented out @ 70% (average in nearly every country) on Airbnb or similar site for the year, that’s about 255 nights a year. That means there 110 nights a year your unit is sitting there vacant. Now you become a and so does many other people that own units like you from all over the world. Now you live in Brisbane but you want to go to Sydney for 3 days to visit your family but the cost of accommodation is to expensive for you at this time. Then you go onto register your unit and pay the small membership fee and contact a Stratamember in Sydney, you find Steve in Sydney that has his unit free on the nights you need, you then pay Steve only what it would normally cost him for cleaning fees, you then see your family and have a great time. You can then allow Steve or any other Stratamember to stay in your unit depending on the availability of the unit.


Can I refuse to allow someone to stay in my unit?

Yes, of course. You still hold all the rights as you normally would. This website is just a place for other unit owners to be able to contact each other and gain a benefit for there investment.